The Great Accelerator

Data, insights and tools to navigate brands to a way forward in a Post-Pandemic World

The Pandemic has acted as a “Great Accelerator” for many cultural aspects on a global scale, shedding new light on consumer behavior patterns that were only emerging until a couple of years ago.

In such turbulent and anxious times, change is a must for brands: only those who will be smart and flexible enough to foresee major consumer shifts and question their own purpose to meet people’s new desires will thrive and shape a new era for branding.

The aim of this observatory is to dig deep into how the Pandemic has changed people’s values and expectations towards brands for good, urging companies to quickly re-think their short/medium and long-term strategies. A thorough, cross-category study with ever-updating data, case histories and insights showing how the biggest economic crisis in recent times, an outstanding digital acceleration and widespread eco-consciousness are creating an opportunity to build stronger and better brands in the future.  

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